How Gardening Can Improve Mental Health

Oct 12, 2021

Let’s get right to it. For many of us, the ongoing pandemic has been full of stress, uncertainty, and other overwhelming emotions. While we attempt to keep our bodies physically out of harm’s way during these unprecedented times, it’s equally important that we don’t neglect our mental health, too.

A recent study by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that the pandemic has been a significant source of stress for 78% of adults. What’s even more challenging is that the pandemic has also created barriers that make it harder for people to get the proper mental health support they need.

As we continue to adapt and adjust to a ‘new normal,’ it’s more critical than ever before to make time for activities that improve and enhance our mental well-being. Today we’re focusing on one activity that’s been proven to positively impact mental health: gardening!


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