How to Build an Online Health Supplement Business

Jul 03, 2021

I am so glad you are taking a few moments with me here to learn how I grew my online health supplements business into a lifestyle I wake up incredibly grateful for every day! I also wanted to bring your awareness to this online form you can fill in at any point during your read here.  I will connect with you to offer some guidance and options for you to move forward launching your own health supplement business.


I started out in the online health supplement world as an exhausted health practitioner. I had reached my professional goals of running a thriving practice, filling large workshops and teaching at several colleges. The downside of this level of success was, during this time I was super close to practitioner burnout. In addition to that I had hit the ceiling in my income, as I literally had no more billable hours! I was exhausted, frustrated and knew I was meant for more!! I had so much more to give and wanted to have a bigger impact!


When I first added Juice Plus+ to my business I was thrilled with the results my clients were achieving. The added concentrated whole food-based nutrition was making a huge difference for my them!  As a result of these great results and raving fan clients, I started to professionally experience an additional and growing revenue stream as well.  


I was helping my clients get better results and I was generating additional income, all without adding additional time commitments to my already full plate. It was during this time that I realized I COULD increase my revenue, help more people and maybe even take a few things out of my schedule so that I could be home more with my husband and four children. 



  1. I would share my love for these incredible products.
  2. I would send out an order link, or take the order there on the spot.

This simple process was so successful for me, that I naturally started to add new Partners to my business and together we created a customer support system. This wonderful customer support system includes: Weekly health webinars, complimentary meal plans every month, and an uplifting community focused on teaching our customers how to truly enjoy a healthy lifestyle and make improvements one step at a time.


Naturally this also encouraged others to share these incredible products with the people they cared about, which has grown into an incredible community of individuals passionate about sharing healthy living, using the simple process  to grow their own incredibly successful businesses.


Our Team (Partners) ranges from families enjoying a discount without any sort of monthly purchasing obligations, to stay at home moms earning a part time income, to health practitioners who have seamlessly added the Juice Plus+ line of health products to their existing business model.



Adding Juice Plus+ to your personal health program is one of the best steps you can take towards better health! These products simply make sense! Its concentrated whole food nutrition.  Your body recognizes this form of nutrition, easily absorbs it, and there are zero risks of toxicity for you your family. The products are safe, natural, clean and proven! (ahem…. proven by being published in more than 40 clinical publications with double blind research!!)


Check out this 6 min video on our incredible capsules by my friend and fellow Nutritionist Charlotte Caunter:


Here is why I personally LOVE Complete!ā€‹ 


You can also check out my online store here



Juice Plus+ does not require monthly purchasing or sales to become a partner. In fact, you can simply enjoy the benefits of earning commissions on your own personal purchases! Another business win with Juice Plus+ is, once you achieve a higher title and commission increase, you get to keep it for life!! There is no backwards or commission level decreases with Juice Plus+. You earned it, you keep it!


To enrol, fill in this online form below



Once you have your enrolment form submitted you will receive and email with access to your back office. After you get your virtual office all set up, you can place your own customer order by clicking on the customer box. There you can order any of the Juice Plus+ products (I recommend you try them all!).


If you are ordering as an adult with a child in your home for free, you will want to click on the Healthy Starts for Families tab. Tower Garden orders are placed in the third area. If you need any help at all ordering your products, we will help walk you through it!



Once your enrolment and personal product order is all set up, we will add you to TWO great communities. One will be our Team Community, where you will have access to all our business trainings. The second group is our Customer Community where you will also have access to all of our customer support tools including weekly health education webinars, healthy living guides, recipe books and monthly meal plans.



You are not alone on this journey; in fact, our job is to provide you with guidance and support for every level of your business! We will help you set goals that fit your lifestyle and help you develop and implement a step by step game plan that focuses on your goals! All you need to do is get started and set up your account with our team and add in the products you are ready to get started with.

Click Here Get Started


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