How to Create a Plant-Based Lunchbox

Oct 19, 2021

Eating a pIant-based diet* is beneficial for all humans and more sustainable for the planet!  
Sandwiches are easy, so to make the lunch box more plant-based, I encourage you to fill half the box with sliced or chopped fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s a win-win situation. 

* What is a plant-based diet? 

Plant-based diets focus on eating mostly plants and finding flexibility with meat, fish, and dairy products. When compared to a vegan diet, a vegan would only eat plants and no meat, fish, dairy products, or honey. A vegetarian diet would eat mostly plants and include dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt. Our goal here is to start adding in more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to your child’s diet.  A plant-based diet can be 100% from plants. If that is your goal, feel free to swap out the protein sources to plant-based versions like tofu, beans, peas, lentils, or nut butters. 


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