Why I Choose Juice Plus as a Nutritionist

Jul 28, 2021

I often get asked why I chose my whole food based health product line out of the thousands of options that are available to me as a health practitioner. My answer is actually pretty simple. I had boxes I needed checked.

My nutrition career began like most Nutritionists in a health food store. I was exposed to hundreds of name brand products and lots and lots of company based marketing materials. I also saw an ugly side to this part of my industry, where there were a lot of popular products that upon testing were found to be "dirty" (undesirable ingredients) or frankly did not have any active ingredients they claimed to have on the labels. I was also surprised by how many Big Pharma companies owned some of our most popular health product lines!! I seriously questioned their interest in building healthier humans.

So I had boxes. If I was going to attach my reputation to a product line, I needed to have certain things guaranteed in the products I would align with. It took me 7 years to find the right company and products that I felt confident aligning with.

The Boxes I needed checked (these should be yours too!)

  • Clean (third party testing that the products contained no contaminates)
  • Natural (natural ingredients our body would recognize and easily absorbed)
  • Safe (no contraindications with medications or medical treatments)
  • Safe for the entire family (no toxicity concerns if over-consumed)
  • Proven (double blind, placebo controlled studies proving benefits in humans with use)

The Juice Plus+ Company was the only company that I have found that checked all of these boxes for me and is why I proudly recommend them to all of my clients and colleagues. The products are made from 100% concentrated whole food ingredients. They are NSF and Health Canada tested. My international clients have the same access as Canadian clients. These products pose no risk with medication or with over consumption. In fact the more you take, the more nutritional benefits you can experience. And for me the biggest of them all is the Juice Plus+ products have been featured for their Gold Standard Research in more than 41 clinical publications in the worlds top medical and clinical journals. 

If you would like to schedule a complimentary time to find out what products are the right fit for you and your health goals, you can book a time slot here: Complimentary Product Consult

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