Healthy and Well-Balanced Snack Ideas

Sep 12, 2022

When it comes to living a healthier lifestyle, it really all starts with food. This is where many people fall short because food becomes such an important part of your life. But just because you want to be healthier, doesn’t mean you have to stick to a diet. You can make small changes by focusing on balance and nutritious snacks, with these great ideas.

Veggies and Dip

An easy healthy snack to start with is simply combining veggies with your favourite type of dip. This might be bell peppers and cucumber dipped in hummus or carrots and celery dipped in guacamole. Love broccoli? Cut it up into small pieces and bring along a healthy dip like hummus, homemade ranch dip, or guacamole, and go to town! There are also a lot of different types of flavoured dips that kick up your snack a little, without packing on the fat or calories.

Homemade Protein Balls

If you are a fan of protein bars but don’t want the bars loaded with sugar and ingredients, you can make your own. Instead of bars, it is easier to combine the ingredients and make protein balls. You can grab one or two for a snack when heading out the door, pack it for lunch, or enjoy it at home. Protein balls come in different varieties with tons of recipes, but the basic recipe uses oats, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and ingredients like seeds.  This is my go-to protein powder to make protein balls with.

Oatmeal with Toppings

If you have time to make a bowl of oatmeal, this can be a hearty and filling snack, that also provides you with lots of fibre and protein. A single serving of oats is typically around 100 calories, so this is a light snack, even with your toppings. You can add anything you like to it, such as banana and peanut butter, almond butter, chocolate chips or cacao nibs, chia seeds, granola, and so much more. There is an endless number of possibilities.

Yogurt and Berries or Granola

For a quick snack that you can enjoy at home or on the go, grab a serving of yogurt and top it with berries. You can also use granola on top to make it a little more filling with an extra boost of nutrients. This is a really quick snack to make when you have Greek yogurt and berries at home. Some other toppings that work great include nut butter, honey, and granola.


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