Meal Planning is the Key to Great Results

Jul 31, 2022

One of the most crucial yet overlooked steps to making any change is getting into the habit of meal planning and prepping.  It’s a very common struggle that I’ve seen with clients in my practice for the last 17 years and one of the biggest hurdles people have is just feeling like they don’t have enough time or don’t know how to do it.

Here’s the thing though: you may think that not meal planning is saving you time, but it’s really costing you more time, money, and your health in the long run.  Let me explain what I mean.

When you don’t have healthy meals planned out, you’re more likely to choose convenience options, such as a fast food drive-thru, packaged and processed foods that you just throw in the oven or microwave, or ordering food for delivery.  While there’s nothing wrong with choosing these options occasionally, we live in a society where these choices are the norm.

These convenience options are almost always filled with excess sugars, salts, trans fats, chemicals, and other substances that are harmful to our health.  The more of these foods you have in your diet, the more your health will slowly deteriorate.  As health declines, you have less energy, and therefore less time in a day to do things you enjoy or are responsible for because since your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs, you feel more tired and need more rest.  This will drastically increase your chances of developing a chronic health condition and unintended weight gain.

Not only are these choices costing you time and your health, but it also gets very expensive very quickly to be buying one meal at a time from a restaurant or delivery service as opposed to buying ingredients to be able to make several meals for a much lower cost.

Do you see why planning your meals is so important?

I get it, trust me.  I’m a business owner and mom of 4, so I am no stranger to feeling like I have no time for things like meal planning.  Despite having the constant feeling of not having enough hours in a day, I still made time to plan my meals because I have been able to come up with strategies to turn that into a quick and easy task.  It’s not just for me, it’s for my kids too.  It’s important to me to set this example and teach them from a young age how to prioritize their health so they can carry that into adulthood.

I know this is important to you too, and that’s why I am so excited to share a course I’ve put together that takes you through my exact meal planning process, as well as so many other common obstacles to health that I’ve seen in all my years in practice.  

I know how confusing and overwhelming these kinds of topics can be, and that’s why I’ve made it my mission to make this information so simple that anyone can understand it.  You don’t have to be an expert in nutrition to create a powerful transformation in your health, you just have to have the desire to learn and apply the information to your own life (and if you’re reading this, I know you have that desire).

Are you ready to go from Exhausted to Energized and become nutritionally empowered in just 6 weeks?  Enrol before August 30th and you will also get access to my Adrenal Support program ($297 value) absolutely free!  As an added bonus, you will also get access to a private group coaching class on September 15th at 7pm EST.  Only the first 30 people will get this deal though, so sign up now to secure the ultimate health transformation:

Are you ready to finally get on track with eating healthy (and actually stay there)?

Get ready to make it happen with my FREE 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

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